Friday 25 February 2011

Tidier Varargs, part 1

One of the less-appreciated of the many massive improvements made to Java in version 1.5 was varargs, aka those little dots that are syntactic sugar sprinkled onto a strongly-typed array:

    public static void printAllOfThese(String... things) {
        for (String thing : things) {

It goes hand-in-glove with the enhanced for loop. Very tidy. Except what happens when I inadvertently do this:?


You probably correctly guessed: NullPointerException at line 1 of printAllOfThese - yep - sadly, the enhanced for loop is not null-safe. What we really want is for a null argument to be silently ignored. So our previously oh-so-tidy, oh-so-readable varargs method ends up needing a null-check wart:

    public static void printAllOfThese(String... things) {
        if (things != null) {   
            for (String thing : things) {

Ew. That's ugly, and in turn requires more test cases. There has to be a better way, but amazingly, I couldn't find any solution in the usual common libraries. So, somewhat reluctantly (because if premature optimisation is the root of all evil, then wheel-reinvention is surely sudo), I present the VarargIterator helper class:

public class VarargIterator {

     * @return an {@link Iterable} of a suitable type. 
     * Null-safe; passing a null varargs will simply return
     * an "empty" {@code Iterable}.
    public static final <T> Iterable<T> forArgs(T... optionalArgs) {
        if (optionalArgs == null) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        } else {
            return Arrays.asList(optionalArgs);

This allows us to rewrite our printAllOfThese method very neatly:

    public static void printAllOfThese(String... things) {
        for (String thing : VarargIterator.forArgs(things)) {

Next time: Elegantly dealing with compulsory and optional elements.

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