Tuesday 21 May 2024
Facepalm: Vanity email, insanity-email
Wow. Long time no [facepalm](https://blog.themillhousegroup.com/search?q=facepalm). Guess I must be in the right job!
This was a good one though.
So at work when a new customer signs up, one of the *many* things we do is create an [Auth0](https://auth0.com/) account for them. It's really just a "shell", with nothing of any value in it, but it gives them a stable identity to build other stuff off.
To create such a shell account we just need their email address, and we conjure up a [random UUID](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Crypto/randomUUID) to use as their password. This has worked flawlessly for *tens of thousands of customers*.
Then, today, it didn't.
Auth0 gave us:
```PasswordNoUserInfoError: Password contains user information```
I'm sorry, what?
A certain amount of back-and-forth ensued with the devs who feed-and-water Auth0. It turns out there's a rule in Auth0 that is trying to avoid users including part of their username in their password. You know, how Granny likes her credentials to be `grangran@hotmail.com / grangran`.
So this *particular* customer had a custom "vanity" domain (which I will change for the sake of privacy) and was using a single letter as their email address; e.g.:
```d@dangermouse.com``` *(not their real address)*
And the Auth0 check was thus exploding if it found ***any instance of `d` in the random UUID password***. A [quick check](https://stackblitz.com/edit/node-yab2dv?file=index.js) shows that *~85% of UUIDs* generated by [Node's `crypto/randomUUID`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Crypto/randomUUID) will contain a `d`.
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