I finally got around to setting up some aliases for git commands that I issue many, many times a day. Can't believe it's taken me this long to do it. I've also placed them in a file in my Dropbox so I'll always be able to add them to any machine I work on regularly.
alias gs="git status" alias gcm="git checkout master" alias gp="git pull" alias gd="git diff" alias gcam="git commit -am"
Although I have a few other oft-used and favourite git commands, namely:
- git push - to push code to the server
- git merge master - to merge the code from master with code on this branch
- git checkout - - to switch to the previously-used branch (analogous to cd -)
This actually harks back to my first ever job as a professional engineer; we were using the mighty and fearsome ClearCase version control system, and I was tempted to shortcut some of the arcane commands required, but my manager (very wisely) cautioned similarly against aliasing away complexity. Don't underestimate the power of repetition for both muscle- and conventional memory!