Tuesday 27 September 2011

Spring Roo Experiment, part 2

Making it perty

Roo does a great job of making a functional CRUD website, and that's great for an admin page. But public-facing websites, especially ones developed in 2011, need to look funky.

Enter Bootstrap, from the good people at Twitter. I'm not a Tweeter, but I have to extend maximum love and respect to these guys for turning out something to make things look so good, so easily.

Including the Bootstrap CSS in your webapp is like having the most web-2.0, rounded-cornered, missing-vowelled, fixie-riding front-end guy pairing with you, except he's actually completely finished the work, it works on all browsers and you don't have to listen to him talk about his iPhone all day :-)

Seriously though, Bootstrap does exactly what it says on the tin, with beautifully-clean, semantic markup, a wonderfully easy-to-use grid system and a contemporary, stylishly-minimal look.

I downloaded the Bootstrap CSS file and added it to my Spring Roo project by following these instructions - so now I can flip between the standard green Roo theme for my admin pages, and the super-funky Bootstrap theme for public pages. Lovely.

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