Saturday 15 June 2024

Home-Cooked and Delicious

I've just read a wonderful article by [Maggie Appleton]( calling out what she terms ["home-cooked" software]( and the "barefoot" developers who work on such things. It really made me want to crack back into publishing *scratch-my-own-itch* software; I've done a [little]( [of]( [it]( in the past but a lot of it remains unfinished, either due to being "good enough" or, in probably my most public flame-out, the [Broadlink binding]( for [openHAB](, being ground down by a PR process (to get the binding integrated into the main codebase) that took so long that it became too onerous for me to continue with it. I've got a few things brewing in my Github that aren't quite ready for public consumption yet, but in the meantime, almost as a counterpoint to my [post at the start of this year]( where I shared my totally-*un*-niche list of uncontroversial, mainstream tools I use regularly, here are a couple of **super-barefoot**, totally home-cooked bits of software that excellent people have crafted, that happen to intersect with my niches of interest. I should preface this short list with some background. As keen longtime readers might have [deduced](, I am a lover of Danish plastic. Yep, I'm an AFOL, an Adult Fan Of LEGO. I'm actually such a fan that I have *two* distinct collections; my personal stash of umpteen pieces, which is gradually being formed into a rendition of a railway running through a mythical French town in the 1980s: A Summer Evening As a side-effect of picking the "good bits" out of the many LEGO sets I've been gifted or bought, I've ended up with quite a number (over 11,000 at last count) less desirable (to me) LEGO pieces, and so those are in my "for sale" collection, available for perusal at both the major online LEGO marketplaces, [BrickLink]( and [BrickOwl]( Which brings me to the first bit of home-cooked software. ### BrickSync [BrickSync]( does just what you'd expect inventory-management software to do in this instance; it keeps my inventory list in sync between the two marketplaces. Given that there are currently around 18,000 stores in BrickLink and 2,500 in BrickOwl (it's much younger, you can clearly see it in the UI), you would think that there would be, **at most** a worldwide market of 2,500 customers for this application. And yet here, completely free (although a donation is of course welcomed) is an open-source product that works extremely well, **just for us**. It's a little rough around the edges, works in a weird *kinda-CLI, kinda-DOS-app* way and unfortunately *requires* to be run on an x86 platform (so no Raspberry Pi, but luckily I have an Intel NUC that fits the bill) but it deserves a shout-out for getting the job done. Something I've just added to my todo list is to download the [source]( and make it much more like a traditional Unix CLI program, so that I can schedule synchronization runs with `cron` instead of having to leave a terminal window open while SSHed into my NUC. ### Brickognize Closely-related to the first item. Historically, one of the most painful tasks when weeding out parts from my personal collection into my online for-sale inventory, has been **classification**. BrickLink has been around for a *very* long time, and being the only LEGO marketplace has led to certain naming conventions chosen by the original developer having "stuck". For example, *Light Bluish Gray* is *the* term used in the community, despite being completely different to the official LEGO colour name: *Medium Stone Gray*. Similarly, Bricklink groups similar parts into "categories" in ways that are sometimes difficult to follow. This made finding the right colour, category and part number for the given lump of ABS sitting in front of you quite the challenge. Until now. [Brickognize]( lets you take a picture (e.g. with your phone) of a LEGO part and will give you the most likely parts (including their BrickLink part number) that it corresponds to. There's obviously a very well-trained AI/LLM under there because in my experience (and I've used it probably a hundred times by now) it gets the part exactly right 98% of the time, and if it's not right, it's *very very* close. And again, it's free. It even generously shares an [API]( so you could build it into a workflow to streamline inventory additions yet further. Awesome. Barefoot developers, you inspire and delight me. Thankyou.