Sunday, 25 June 2023

In praise of ETL, part three: Love-you-Load-time

Finishing off my three-part series as a newly-minted ETL fanboi, we get to the Load stage. One could be forgiven thinking there is not a great deal to get excited about at this point; throw data at the new system and it's Job Done. But as usual with ETL, there are hidden pleasures lurking that you might not have considered until you've got your feet wet.

Mechanical Sympathy

In the "customer migration" ETL project I worked on, the output of the Transform stage for a given customer was dumped into a JSON file in an AWS S3 bucket. At Load time, the content of a bucket was scooped out and fed into the target system. Something we noticed quite quickly as the migration project ramped up, was that the new system did not "like" being hit with too many "create new customer" API calls per second. It was pretty simple to implement a rate limit system in the Load stage (only!) to ensure we were being mechanically-sympathetic to the new system, while still being able to go as fast as possible in the other stages.

Optimal Throughput

Indeed, we had a similar rate-limit in our Extract for the benefit of our source system(s) - albeit at a higher rate as its API seemed to be able handle reading a fair bit faster than the new system's API could write. And there's another benefit - we weren't being throttled by the speed of the slower system; we could still extract as fast as the source would allow, transform and buffer into S3, then load at the optimal speed for the new system. You could get fancy and call it Elastic Scaling or somesuch, but really, if we'd used some monolithic process to try and do these customer migrations, we wouldn't have had the fine-grained control.

Idempotency is Imperative

One last tip; strive to ensure your Load stage does not alter the output of the Transform in any way, or you'll lose one of the key advantages of the whole ETL architecture. If you can't look at a transform file (e.g. a JSON blob in an S3 bucket in our case) and know that it's exactly what was sent to the target system, then your debugging just got a whole lot harder. Even something as innocent as populating a createdAt field with new Date() could well bite you (for example if the date has to be in a particular format). If you've got to do something like that, consider passing the date in, in the correct format, as an additional parameter to the Load stage, so there's at least some evidence of what the field was actually set to. There's really nothing worse than not being able to say with confidence what you actually sent to the target system.

We didn't do this, but if there was a "next time" I'd also store a copy of this payload in an S3 bucket as well, just for quick verification purposes.

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