Saturday, 27 July 2019

React: 24 years' experience ;-)

I wrote my first HTML page in 1995. Unfortunately I don't have a copy, but given the era you can be pretty confident it would have consisted of a wall of Times New Roman text in sizes h1, h2 and p broken up with some <hr>s, a repeated background image in a tiled style, and, down at the bottom of the page, an animated Under Construction GIF.

My mind turns to that first img tag I placed on the page. I would have Yahoo-ed or AltaVista-ed (we're well before the Googles, remember) for a reference on HTML syntax, and awkwardly vi-ed this line into existence:

  <img src="images/undercon.gif" width="240" height="80">

Undoubtedly I would have forgotten a double-quote or two, got the filename wrong and/or messed up the sizing at first, but eventually, my frustrated bash of the [F5] key would have shown the desired result in Netscape Navigator, and delivered me a nice little dopamine hit to boot. I learnt something, I built something, and it worked. Addictive.

24 years later while reflecting on how far we've come in many areas, I've just realised one of the many reasons why I enjoy developing React.js apps so much. Here's a random snippet of JSX, the XML-like syntax extension that is a key part of React:

  <CancelButton bg="red" color="white" width="6em" />

Seem a little familiar?

One of the most successful parts of the React world is the "component model" which strives to break pages down into small, composable, testable elements, combined with a "declarative style" where, to quote React demigod Dan Abramov:

"we can describe the process at all points in time simultaneously"

If you've written any HTML before, writing JSX feels totally frictionless, because the <img> tag has been encapsulating complex behaviour (namely, converting a simple string URL into a web request, dealing with errors, and rendering the successfully-fetched data as a graphical image with the desired attributes) in a declarative way, since 1993.

And it turns out to have been another web god, Marc Andreessen, who originally suggested the basic form of the <img> tag. Truly we are standing on the shoulders of giants.