Monday 27 February 2017

Solving A Chicken/Egg DI problem in Play Framework - Part 2

In Part 1 of this post, I outlined how I was facing a chicken-and-egg problem in moving away from using the deprecated current static reference in a Pac4j Authenticator. Play-Pac4j needs me to wire up any custom Authenticators in a Play Module - and Modules get run very early on in the application boot process - long before dependency injection occurs.

So how can I get a dependency-injected UserService into my custom Authenticator.

Well, it turns out the answer was already staring me right in the face. As a reminder, here's how the "legacy code" obtained a UserService reference:
  lazy val userService:UserService = 

And as I mentioned, that lazy was no mere Scala sugar - without it, the "injection" would invariably fail, as again, the DI process had not run yet.

And then it hit me - the lazy keyword was essentially allowing the resolution of a UserService instance to be deferred. So why not use Scala's preferred mechanism for dealing with asynchrony, the Future[T] to formally declare this need to wait for something to happen?

So here's what I did to my Authenticator:

class MyAuthn(fUserService:Future[UserService])
              extends Authenticator[UsernamePasswordCredentials] 

  def validate(creds: UsernamePasswordCredentials,
               ctx: WebContext):Unit = {

    for {
        userService <- fUserService
        maybeUser <- userService.findByUsername(creds.getUsername)
      } yield {

So it just comes down to one extra Future[T] to be resolved - and of course once fUserService does get successfully resolved, it's essentially instant after that. So that's the consumption of the Future[UserService] taken care of, but how do we actually produce it?

Well, it turns out that Module implementations get access to a whole load of methods to help them "listen" to the DI process - and then you've just got to implement some Google Guice interfaces to be notified about "provisioning" events, and away you go. Notice how I use a Promise[UserService] which is kinda the "chicken" and use the promise's .future method to produce the "egg":
override def configure(): Unit = {
  val futuristicProvisionListener = new ProvisionListener {

    private val thePromise = Promise[UserService]
    val theFuture = thePromise.future

    override def onProvision[T](provision: ProvisionInvocation[T]) = {

      if (provision.getBinding.getKey.getTypeLiteral.getRawType 
          == classOf[UserService]) {"**onProvision - ${provision.getBinding.getKey}")
        val instance = provision.provision()"UserService instance: $instance")
        if (!thePromise.isCompleted) {
"Completing with UserService instance: $instance")

  // This hooks our listener into the Guice binding process
  bindListener(Matchers.any(), futuristicProvisionListener)

  // And finally, pass the (as-yet unresolved) future 
  // UserService to the authenticator:
  val formClient = new FormClient(
    baseUrl + "/login", 
    new MyAuthn(futuristicProvisionListener.theFuture)

Something that I noticed straight away via the log output was that Guice was creating a vast number of UserService instances - basically it was creating a new one for each place an injection was required. I mopped that up by adding the @Singleton annotation to my UserService, and everything was great. I could probably thus remove the .isCompleted check but it seemed like a good safety-net to leave in, just in case.

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