I've been doing what an old colleague of mine used to call "Stack-Whoring" a bit recently - trying to get a few more badges and also up my general reputation on
Stack Overflow. It's been fun and educational, and I wanted to post (mainly for my own reference) how to use Mockito's powerful
facility from inside a Specs2 example:
I'm just going to nab my own answer from the
relevant SO question:
class ApplicationSpec extends Specification with Mockito {
val mockedNewsRenderer = mock[List[String] => Html]
val controller = new ApplicationController {
override def renderNews(s:List[String]) = mockedNewsRenderer(s)
"Application News Controller" should {
"Pass a non-empty list of news items to the template" in {
val result = controller.newsAction(FakeRequest())
status(result) must beEqualTo(200)
val captor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(classOf[List[String]])
there was one(mockedNewsRenderer).apply(captor.capture())
val theArgument = captor.getValue
theArgument.isEmpty must beFalse
The trickiest bit (if you're already familiar with
usage in Java) is the use of
to get the Scala equivalent of Java's
so you can then call
There's probably scope there for a
Pimp My Library tweak to tidy up that particular line - I'm thinking I'd like to just be able to say:
val captor = ArgumentCaptor.for[List[String]]
Stay tuned ...