Monday, 4 May 2015

Strongly-Typed Time. Part 2: Design

Following on from my lightbulb moment, I tried to sketch out what I wanted from a strongly-typed system for representing timezoned instants in time.

The Look

Ever since Martin Odersky gave us Generics in Java 5, we've become comfortable with reading parameterized types like Set<String> ("Set of String") for container classes. Unsurprisingly, with the move to Odersky's Scala has come further use of parameterization; for example Try[Double] and Future[User]. Essentially, I wanted a type that looked like this. Hence:
  val pierreTime: TimeInZone[Paris]

  val johnTime: TimeInZone[Melbourne]

  val canonicalTime: TimeInZone[UTC]


I want wrong code to look wrong but more than that, I want the compiler to consider it wrong too:
  val pierreTime: TimeInZone[Paris]

  def doSomethingInMelbourne(mTime: TimeInZone[Melbourne]) ...

  // later...
[error]  type mismatch;
[error]  found   : TimeInZone[Paris]
[error]  required: TimeInZone[Melbourne]

Functional Familiarity

I'm only a tiny way down the path to true functional-programming enlightenment. Hell, I've only just started looking at Scalaz, mainly thanks to eed3si9n's excellent tutorials.

But the following patterns seem pretty sensible to me:

map from one timezone to another

The instant-in-time is unchanged, but the type changes, and the local time changes too:
  val pierreTime: TimeInZone[Paris] 
  // Local: 2015-04-29T09:15:49.739+02:00
  // Millis (UTC): 1430291749739

  val johnTime: TimeInZone[Melbourne] =[Melbourne]  
  // Local: 2015-04-29T17:15:49.739+10:00
  // Millis (UTC): 1430291749739

transform the time inside the container

I can make adjustments* to the DateTime contained within the TimeInZone[T] using any Joda-Time method that returns another DateTime:
  val pierreTime: TimeInZone[Paris]
  // Local: 2015-04-29T09:15:49.739+02:00 

  val pierreWakeUpTime: TimeInZone[Paris] = pierreTime.transform(_.withTime(7,0,0,0))
  // Local: 2015-04-29T07:00:00.000+02:00 

  val pierreLunchTime: TimeInZone[Paris] = pierreTime.transform(_.plusHours(4))
  // Local: 2015-04-29T13:15:49.739+02:00 

(*) Everything is immutable (including within Joda-Time) so "adjustments" naturally result in a new object being returned. Do we have a word yet for "A modified copy of an immutable thing"?

Companion-object for construction

I should be able to get a TimeInZone[T] via its companion object for every conceivable scenario:
  // "Now" in whatever TZ my JVM is running in: 
  val myLocalTime: TimeInZone[TimeZone] =
  // -> TimeInZone[Melbourne] UTC: '2015-04-28T12:37:00.000Z'

  // "Now" in the given TZ: 
  val myParisTime: TimeInZone[TimeZone] ="Europe/Paris")
  // -> TimeInZone[Paris] UTC: '2015-04-28T12:37:23.000Z'

  // "Now" in UTC: 
  val myUTCTime: TimeInZone[UTC] = TimeInZone.nowUTC
  // -> TimeInZone[UTC] UTC: '2015-04-28T12:37:28.000Z'

  // If I pass millis, UTC is implied: 
  val myUTCTime: TimeInZone[UTC] = TimeInZone.fromUTCMillis(1430703466430)
  // -> TimeInZone[UTC] UTC: '2015-05-04T01:37:46.430Z

  // Reflective methods where the desired [TimeZone] affects the result:

  // Give me "now" on the West Coast:
  val paloAlto = TimeInZone[PST]
  // -> TimeInZone[PST] UTC: '2015-05-04T01:37:56.430Z

  // Give me "then" on the West Coast:
  val paloAltoLastWeek = TimeInZone[PST](new DateTime().minusDays(7))
  // -> TimeInZone[PST] UTC: '2015-04-28T01:37:59.430Z

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