Tuesday 19 April 2011

The Joy of CSS

Why It's hard to be a CSS Rockstar

Writing CSS is hard. Writing good CSS is really hard.

I've been using CSS in anger for about 4 years now, and I'd rate my skills at no more than 5 out of 10. I'm the first to admit I spend a lot of time Googling when I'm tweaking CSS, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I've only ever come across one Java-world developer who could craft elegant, cross-browser CSS solutions with appropriate use of semantic HTML, and he was an exceptional front-end guy who could make PhotoShop walk around on its front paws, and write clean, performant JavaScript while balancing a ball on his head. Seriously.

So why do otherwise-competent software developers find it so hard to produce good CSS?

  • width: doesn't really mean width: The W3C's box model might be intuitive to some, but ask a typical software developer to draw a box with width: 100px; border: 5px; and I can virtually guarantee that the absolute width of the result will be 100 pixels while the internal (or "content" in W3C-speak) width will be 90 pixels. Given this, it becomes slightly easier to forgive Microsoft for their broken box model in IE5

  • Inconsistent inheritance: As OO developers, we've come to expect every property of an object to be inherited by its children. This is not the case in CSS, which can lead to a non-DRY sensation that is uncomfortable

  • It's a big API: Although there is a lot of repetition (e.g.: border; border-top; border-top-width; border-top-color; border-left; border-left-style; etc etc etc) there are also tons of tricky shortcuts which behave dramatically differently depending on the number of "arguments" used. Compare border-width: thin thick;

    to border-width: thin thin thick;

    to border-width: thin thin thin thick;

  • You can't debug CSS Selectors: The first move of most developers when they have to change some existing styling is to whack a background-color: red; into the selector they think should be "the one". And then have to hunt around a bit more when their target div doesn't turn red ...

  • Semantic, understandable and succinct?!?!: Most developers understand that using CSS classes with names like boldface is not cool, and nor is using identifiers called tabbedNavigationMenuElementLevelTwo - but getting the damn thing even working is hard enough without having to wonder if the Gods of HTML would sneer at your markup...

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